Build dynamic WordPress sites, Directories and Platforms. Bring your next brilliant idea to life with Voxel. A complete no code solution in a single package. More

Build dynamic WordPress sites, Directories, and Platforms!

Bring your next brilliant idea to life with Voxel. A complete no-code solution in a single package.

Post types

Create and manage custom post types, with full customization capabilities from custom fields to filtering, templates, and more.

Design Control

With Voxel you transform each individual element of your design into a dynamic template component.

Search forms

Create search forms and utilize Voxel custom search to go beyond WordPress limitations.

Theme builder

Design every template of your site yourself, no predefined templates.

Maps and geolocation

Smart map widgets with dynamic markers and the ability to sync to a post feed and search forms in real time.

Paid membership

Custom login and registration forms with paid membership plans and the ability to condition any part of the site by plan choice

Get lifetime access to Voxel today!
