Stacks is the smoothest & easiest way to create your native (iOS & Android) App without a single line of code in a few minutes. More

Since you’re an owner, so you can’t exit the never-ending loop of idea → MVP → Feedback → Scale

With too many challenges with the process of developing an app or finding the right tool to execute your ideas nicely, you keep delaying the idea of having an app for your business at a later stage to whenever you have the time & resources for it.

Fortunately for you, you no longer need to wait!

Meet Stacks

Stacks is the smoothest & easiest way to create your native (iOS & Android) App without a single line of code in a few minutes.

With Stacks, you’re in control of each and everything of your app with unlimited possibilities.

You’re not limited by a few pages or sections, the whole application is customizable starting from the header of your app to the bottom menu.

Within a few steps, you can design & create your app in a few minutes with Stacks

All you need to do is:

1. Design
2. Click build application
3. Download application

We took care of every detail on our builder, to make your experience flawless & fun.

Imagine, design, achieve.

Drag & Drop your design using Brickit

The freedom to achieve the desired design, smoothly drag the block you want (video, image, text ) and drop it where ever you want.

Unlimited Sections, Unlimited Possibilities

Want to create a long app or a short one?
Do you want to split the first section into 2? How do you want to size it 50/50? 30/70 10/90?

Add text above image or next to the image? how about adding the image as a background and the text above it?

This list can go on, so why don’t you try it all?

Brickit sections from Stacks provide you endless possibilities…

Add any number of sections you want with the ability to customize it the way you want it, giving you complete control over your design.

Image with the same design (Image text) in different styles like one time as background, one-time split, one-time header or title, and image.

Customize your app from head to bottom

To represent your brand, you are able to customize your app header with many options.

  • Add any background image you would like or use the color that fits your design
  • Unlimited icons to choose from

You don’t need to start from scratch – Easy templates to use

Out of ideas? or don’t have the time to start from scratch? Get inspired by top-notch designs created by our team, use one of the several templates to create your first app.

Done designing? * Click * ..your application is now ready.

Hours and hours from our team were spent here to save you many hours that you can invest in your business. All Certificates needed to publish an application to Google Play and App Store are automatically generated.

Once you’re done designing, simply choose the device you’re generating to (iOS or Android) and click generate, in a few minutes your application is ready to download.

You’re always connected with your customers

Send your customers an unlimited number of push notifications with Stacks “X”

Do you know that one of the top marketing strategies to reach users is push notifications?

Push notifications are a fast & efficient (#free) way to communicate with your customers, you can send personalized offers (discount, etc), messages based on a customer’s location, time, and segment.

Or keep your customers updated by sending news about your business, helpful & useful information that leads to an increase in your conversion rate.

You don’t always need to send out to them, let them come for you.

One way is to send them a push notification to communicate with your customers but more effectively when they can reach you out anytime through chat, forms.

A small option with tones of usage is adding a button block to your application with any external or internal link, unlocking to you dozens of ideas that you can use to improve communication with your customers or give them an incentive to use the app.

Check some uses of our button:

Create & design wherever you are

You never know when the perfect idea will hit your mind! And we have got you covered, Our builder is responsive, you can design & create your app from scratch effortlessly using any device anywhere.

Surprise your customers with an application you’re proud of

All the applications created using Brickit are native, so your customers can enjoy a fast app with a great user experience.

More importantly for you, you will be able to easily launch the application on both apple & play stores without facing any issues & you will not face any security problems in the future.

Use the video used in the email

We Created a hassle-free work environment for you

You’re never distracted

Using our dashboard, you can go through all the tabs, settings from one place.

No Internet? For Stacks, this is no problem.

You can complete your design without an internet connection and save the changes whenever you are back online.

Live edits

All the edits you make are live, so you can have a clear image of how your app design will look like

More tools to help you create the perfect application

  • Drag & Drop app builder
  • 20+ App templates
  • Native iOS & Android app
  • Unlimited Push Notifications
  • Social Logins
  • WooCommerce payment gateways
  • Integrated with WooCommerce & WordPress
  • Custom Checkout Pages
  • Support Team

Design a mobile app that reflects your brand and increases sales!

Get the Stacks Lifetime Deal today!


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