Next3 AWS is a plugin that makes your website faster and more secure. It offloads your media to Amazon S3, then rewrites all the URLs back to your website. More

Make your WordPress blazing fast by offloading your files to AWS S3!

Next3 AWS is a plugin that makes your website faster and more secure. It offloads your media to Amazon S3, then rewrites all the URLs back to your website.

Why should you offload your images?

Better SEO

All of your files will be provided via AWS S3 servers, which will relieve the burden on your server and speed up your website.

This has a significant impact on your Page Speed score, resulting in a higher ranking in search engines like Google.

Build in security

There’s no need to be concerned about file backup, security, or time-consuming procedures.

Your files will be stored on AWS S3 servers, which will provide automated backups and many other benefits.

The tools you need

You can move files to and from S3, switch buckets, and build buckets while avoiding file transfer interruptions. And, of course, it’s all wrapped up in a stylish and functional design.

Easy image maintenance

You can save any sort of material that WordPress supports remotely, including images, documents, audio, and video.

The best part is that you can do it right from your WordPress Media Gallery, without having to know anything about AWS.

Lowers website footprint

Your website will take up less space on your server if all of your contents are stored on AWS S3.

Finally, you can save money on website hosting by performing more backups and doing them faster.

Better website cloning for development

You can now clone your website to any local workstation without copying all the images.

Make your Website lightning-fast

Get Next3 AWS today!

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