GooMaps is perfect for contact pages, maps, routes, delivery area maps and any other application you can think of. Using the provided short code, you can quickly and easily add a customized Google map, map widget and more. More

GooMaps is The most Advanced & Flexible Google Maps Plugin for WordPress

Using the provided shortcode, you can quickly and easily add a customized Google map, map widget, or Store Locator to your WordPress posts and/or pages.

There is no fuss. There are no iFrames and it is extremely simple to use! Perfect for contact page maps, routes, delivery area maps, and any other application you can think of!

Three easy steps to getting started

Create a Map – Make a map and customize it to adjust your brand.

Add your Markers – Add comprehensive markers with images, text, and other elements.

Add to Page – To add your map to any page or section of your site, use the shortcode or Gutenberg block.

Map customization? Simple as that!

gooMaps is the most user-friendly map plugin, offering maps ranging from simple to advanced and customizable. GooMaps can create any map you can think of. You can also integrate many such maps into your websites.

Markers with Functionality

gooMaps allows you to create advanced maps for your business locations using super functions, so people can quickly find them.

Display Directions & set Waypoints

Allow visitors to use their map location as the starting or finishing point for directions. Add as many waypoints to your directions as you need. Each waypoint can have its own map marker.

Display Multiple Routes On Google Maps

Site administrators can easily create routes between locations and view them on a map. The UI of the drawn route is easily customizable from the backend.

The administrator only needs to specify the start location, way points, and end location, and the route will be drawn on the map automatically.

Display Multiple Maps

Site administrators can display different & multiple maps easily on one page. All the maps created with our plugin are 100% responsive

Display Nearest Places & View Details

Users can easily locate locations (such as the nearest restaurant, bank, ATM, hotel, school, and so on) and click to view details (like as phone number, websites, link, ratings, reviews, etc.). View photos of Places as well.

Compatible with WPML

Our gooMaps plugin supports multiple countries and definitely works with WPML. Like a consequence, people from all around the world can feel more at ease using guided marketing scheme.

Get the GooMaps Lifetime Deal today!


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    $79 / Lifetime
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