Easy Email Integration – Collect subscribers with stunning WordPress forms and grow your email list with ease. More

Easy Email Integration – Collect subscribers with stunning WordPress forms and grow your email list. Experience powerful integration with MailChimp, MailPoet, Sendinblue, GetResponse, ActiveCampaign, and many other popular email platforms.

Takes less than a minute to setup

Getting started with Easy Email Integration is extremely easy. Install and activate the plugin, and connect an email subscription list. Then, take advantage of the free form builder to place the subscription form anywhere you want.

Gutenberg block and Elementor widget support

Place the subscriber form on any page/post with built-in Gutenberg and Elementor widget support.

Automatic lead collection on the local database

No chance of losing subscriptions. Subscriber details get saved instantly on the local database.

Beautiful predefined contact form templates

Get 5 stunning custom form templates that immediately catching your site visitor’s attention. Enjoy detailed form customization options to meet your needs.

Get access to Easy Email Integration today! 
