By using CookieZen, you can keep your website compliant with the ever-changing Data Protection Regulations such as GDPR, CCPA, CNIL & LGPD. More

Make your website compliant with the ever-changing Data Protection Regulations like GDPR, CCPA, CNIL & LGPD

How does CookieZen work?

We Scan and categorize your site cookies

Simply enter your website URL to automatically scan your website cookies. Additionally, we do automatic website scans every month to keep you up to date with the latest regulations.

Style your website brand & Embed

Customize cookie consent banner color, position, and text to match your website design. And as the last step embed by copy-pasting the HTML code in your website.

You are compliant with the latest regulations!

Cookies are now autoblocked based on your website visitor’s unique consent preferences. And consent logs are stored and can be exported if needed to show proof of consent.

Everything You Will Need

Cookie Auto Blocker – Cookie auto blocker detects and categorizes, and then blocks certain scripts from running based on your website visitor’s unique cookie settings.

Automatic Cookie Scanning – We scan/categorize all your website cookies automatically. All you have to do is give the website URL and review the scanned cookies.

Manually Add/Edit Cookies – Gives you full control to edit cookie categories, and descriptions, and edit/add any cookies manually in case we missed them in the scan or categorized them wrongly.

Consent Logs – Consent logs are stored and can be exported in .csv format if needed to show for Proof of consent

Quick & Easy – Complete the full setup in just a few clicks. Built keeping non-techies in mind so no complex options, it’s quick and easy.

Style to your brand – Style consent banner with multiple cookie banners customization options like colors, banner position, and theme – dark/light and your full banner content

Get lifetime access to CookieZen today!
