Your business can’t afford downtime. BugMonitor ensures your site runs flawlessly, detecting and reporting layout, functional, JavaScript, SEO, network, and PHP errors instantly. More

Your business can’t afford downtime. BugMonitor ensures your site runs flawlessly, detecting and reporting layout, functional, JavaScript, SEO, network and PHP errors instantly.

Keep your website seamless and error-free, always

Network errors – Be notified of network errors, mixed content and CSP issues, even for third-party images, scripts, iframes, or any other resources.

SEO problems – Notice even the small errors! Small SEO issues are not noticeable, but they can harm on-site SEO.

UX problems – UX is one of the most important aspects of a good website. Be informed about every error that could affect the user experience.

UI problems – Test your website on all existing devices that your visitors use. Know if there are any layout or other UI errors on any devices.

JavaScript errors – JavaScript errors happen silently, but they can break your website. Be notified of all JS errors.

Get lifetime access to Bug Monitor!
