PPC Reveal is a competition intelligence platform that helps agencies and teams analyze their competitor’s Google Ads. More

In the world of pay-per-click advertising, spying on your competitors isn’t as exciting as it sounds. (“Mr. Bond, your mission is to Google these keywords every hour on the hour.”)

Without the right tools, figuring out what Google Ads your competitors are running is just an endless game of Google searches and screenshots.

But what if you had a platform that lets you ethically spy on all your competitors and see exactly what ads they’re running right now?

Meet PPC Reveal.

PPC Reveal is a competition intelligence platform that helps agencies and teams analyze their competitor’s Google Ads.

Unlock Hidden Advertising Data

Let PPC Reveal reliably uncover the exact ads your competitors are running with automated searches—no Google searching and screenshotting required!

Refine your search by country and location, so you can drill down to see who’s running ads specifically in your area.

And because you can specify the frequency, days of the week, and duration, you’ll strike a balance between conserving credits and staying informed.

Get the inside scoop on your competitors with a full Advertiser’s Report that breaks down exactly what they’re doing.

Get lifetime access to PPC Reveal today!
