Notetracks Pro allows you to collaborate on audio projects in real-time, with feedback and notes posted directly on the track itself. More

Your audio project dreams include topping the charts and being a popular TikTok audio, not back-and-forth emails about reverb.

But switching between your inbox, drives, and audio players brings your team’s creative process (and dreams) to a screeching halt.

Luckily, there’s a secret weapon that makes it easy to collaborate on audio projects in real time, with feedback and notes posted directly on the track itself.

Introducing Notetracks Pro.

To get started, simply drag-and-drop your audio or video files (MP3, WAV, M4A, MP4, MOV) from your desktop into the browser or upload via Dropbox or Google Drive.

Once you import the track, you’ll be able to see the audio waveform visually and jump to specific segments quickly with a simple keyboard shortcut.

Notetracks Pro makes it easy to collaborate and get feedback or approval before releasing your tracks into the world.

Share your project by entering the email addresses of your collaborators and setting view or edit permissions.

Get the Notetracks Pro Lifetime Deal today!

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