Meow Apps makes it easier for image lovers by providing beautiful solutions which work out of the box. More

Meow Apps is a plugin pack for photographers and image lovers.

It was created by Jordy Meow (a developer but also a photographer based in Tokyo).

There are so many solutions available for WordPress today, of uneven quality, often oversized or not well-supported.

Meow Apps makes it easier for image lovers by providing beautiful solutions which work out of the box.

Meow Gallery

Meow Gallery is a Gallery for WordPress built for photography websites, but not only.

It is polished, beautiful and works with the Gallery Block (Gutenberg), the Core WP Gallery and the official Gallery Shortcode.

It is responsive, retina-friendly, uses modern layouts and is blazing fast and optimized.

It uses modern CSS, and JS is only used for infinite/lazy and the slider layout.

The Meow Gallery is extremely easy to use as it is using the native features already build in WordPress.

Meow Lightbox

Meow Lightbox is a Lightbox for WordPress that is made for photographers, by photographers.

It works in all circumstances while being light, optimized, and responsive.

It displays nicely EXIF information from your image (title, description, camera, aperture, shutter speed, ISO, etc).

The layout also adapts itself depending on the image orientation.

Media Cleaner

Media Cleaner detects unused and useless files from your WordPress.

It cleans your Media Library and your Uploads Directory.

To achieve this, it analyzes your WordPress install in order to find out which files are actually in use.

It is the only tool that is able to perform all those tasks and we are working hard to keep it always up to date.

You can choose to scan either your Media Library or your Uploads Directory (Pro Version).

The plugin will then check if your media or your files are used anywhere in your WordPress.

Media File Renamer

Media File Renamer is a WordPress plugin that renames your media files.

It can be automatic (depending on certain conditions) or manual.

It is excellent for SEO, to keep your WordPress tidy and to avoid issues related to files.

The references to those filenames on your website will also be updated. It has many features, and if you are a developer you can automate the whole process and how the renaming is performed.

Rename in one-click, a new column in the Media Library will be displayed.

By default, Media File Renamer recommends you an ideal filename based on the title of this media.

WP Retina 2x

This plugin creates the image files required by the Retina (or any high-DPI) devices and displays them to your visitors accordingly.

Your website will look beautiful and sharp on every device.

The retina images will be generated for you automatically (you can also do it manually) and served to the visitors.

You will be able to control everything from a nice dashboard.

From WordPress 4.4, responsive images support has been added to the core.

The plugin never supported responsive images (only retina) so this is good news.

The plugin supports this new WordPress already and adds the retina images to the src-set.

WP/LR Sync

WP/LR Sync is a Lightroom Publish Service for WordPress.

It exports your photos to WordPress, along with the folders and collections, and it keeps them synchronized.

Any changes applied to your photos (post-processing, metadata, watermark, etc.) or your folders and collections will be replicated.

Your WordPress website will be always synchronized with your Lightroom.

This plugin will be extremely useful if you:

  • upload photos frequently to WordPress;
  • alter your post-processing, work on your photos as you go;
  • modify the associated metadata (title, caption, keywords, etc…);
  • sometimes change or alter your watermark;
  • need a different quality or better resolution for your original images already uploaded;
  • would like to maintain your folders and collections from Lightroom;
  • … and so many other use cases!

Basically, WP/LR Sync is an essential tool for photographers or bloggers using Lightroom.

Get lifetime access to Meow Apps today!
